1- On a table place sugar and margarine knead with your hands until smooth
2- in a bowl mix flour, baking powder and milk
3- combine all the ingredients to form a smooth dough
4- spread flour on a table reserve a quarter of the mixture if you want to cover it
5- rollout the dough with a rolling pin until it is 1 centimeter thick
6- grease a mold pie then place the dough, cut the excess and refrigerate 30 minutes
1- wash and peel apples, cut as desired
2- cook with water, sugar an cinnamon for 15 minutes
3- dessolved the cornstarch in 3 tablespoon of water and add, stir constantly cook 3 minutes
4- remove from fire and cool
Pour the filling on the base, you can cover it whith ribbons of the dough or leave it uncovered
Bake at 300 degrees fahrenheit for 35 or 40 minutes
1- On a table place sugar and margarine knead with your hands until smooth
2- in a bowl mix flour, baking powder and milk
3- combine all the ingredients to form a smooth dough
4- spread flour on a table reserve a quarter of the mixture if you want to cover it
5- rollout the dough with a rolling pin until it is 1 centimeter thick
6- grease a mold pie then place the dough, cut the excess and refrigerate 30 minutes
1- wash and peel apples, cut as desired
2- cook with water, sugar an cinnamon for 15 minutes
3- dessolved the cornstarch in 3 tablespoon of water and add, stir constantly cook 3 minutes
4- remove from fire and cool
Pour the filling on the base, you can cover it whith ribbons of the dough or leave it uncovered
Bake at 300 degrees fahrenheit for 35 or 40 minutes
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